Dr. Mohan Goli’s story begins in the humble village of Nookalamarri, Vemulawada Town, Telangana. From his early years, he exhibited nationalistic ideals, charity-oriented nature, and a penchant for exploration. Despite initial challenges, he excelled academically, displaying exceptional oratory skills and a flair for writing. His social commitment paralleled his educational pursuits, leading him to engage in numerous community-building programs and inspire others toward a better life.
Dr. Mohan
Success story
Dr. Mohan Goli’s journey is a testament to his unwavering dedication, innovative spirit, and humanitarian values. His contributions in the fields of science, charity, and governance have left an indelible mark, making him a prominent figure in both national and international spheres.
Dr. Mohan Goli
Vemulawada Constituency
Rajanna Siricilla District
Telangana State
[email protected]